A-ZENful U

become lighter
YOU have made the wise and wonderful decision to begin your journey of Awareness, Healing and Self-Love. If you have ever wondered what your purpose in life is, its this... In order to step into your TRUE SELF and be the best version of yourself, you must first recognize what is holding you back. What are your worries? And what have you been through in this lifetime that is trying to stop you from achieving your dreams, creating healthy relationships and maintaining peace and balance?
I am simply here to guide you to the realization that everything you are looking for, you already have. As a beautiful and unique soul, you are full of life that is just waiting to be discovered...

My story is of Strength & Perseverance.
As The Women's [in]powerment Coach, author and influencer in the world of women's wellness, my life story is a TESTIMONY- that it doesn't matter the limitations you are born into; what matters is your willingness to work with what you have. I realize the importance of a soul centered business and that it represents who you are. At A-ZENful U, I strive to make your journey with me a true reflection of your unique purpose. I know exactly what it takes to create a seamless experience, combining creativity and professionalism that lets your authentic SELF shine through. With each session personalized for YOU, I am here to help guide you through the process.
REALIZE there is Beauty in the experiences and nothing happens by chance.
About Taleen Sofee

Taleen graduated from UNLV, Nevada with a degree in Psychology and has done extensive trainings in mind-body balance. She began coaching in 2014 and has become a well-respected [in]POWERment Coach, author and influencer. She co-wrote the book Self-Talk: 33 levels of [in]provment, which emphasizes the importance of positive inner dialogue, empowering individuals to manage and focus their mental chatter into creative and constructive exercises for self- improvement. She also created ZEN ME: Empowering Women, The Women's [in]powerment APP, available on Apple and Andriod, which features a new theme each month focusing on a custom meditation, crystal of the month, podcast episode, journaling and much more...The ZEN ME Podcast is based on her book Self-Talk.

If you are ready to develop powerful and transformative Self-Talk by discoving the TRUE root cause of disharmony within, then Taleen Sofee might be exactly what you are looking for! As an [in]powerment Coach, she coaches individuals on how the four pillars of Life; Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual are affected by our thoughts, words and actions. Her state of the art "Quantum Technology" is combined with her extensive training and background in Psychology to disconnect you from any limiting beliefs about yourself, in order to REconnect with your authentic self. As she says,"It took me healing my HEART, embodying the WISDOM and living in my POWER fully, to realize there is BEAUTY in the experiences and nothing was by chance."
Quantum Coaching
Experience the Healing Powers of Taleen Sofee
Taleen has been described by clients as "very gifted [in]powerment Coach" and helping clients find their path and purpose. Another said" Each session has given me the clarity, tolls and vision to love a happy purposeful life." When not coaching Taleen enjoys nature walks,hiking,facilitating,ChakraDANCE, traveling, hosting retreats, listening to music, reading , writing, and being mama to her 3 sons. Her APP can be found on www. ZenMeWellness.com

Taleen is caring, compassionate and patient. She takes the time needed to provide wisdom and insight. I would HIGHLY recommend her work.
Business Owner
Working with Taleen has brought more insights and good changes into my life then going to therapy for over 25 years. She is phenomenal! Book your session
Taleen is gifted. She transcends peacfullness and is truly gifted in helping me find my purpose and path. I have found her services very valuable and would highly recommend her .